Christian Lamker

Dr. Christian Lamker
 Dr. Christian Lamker

I am a highly energetic, thought-provoking and strongly motivated spatial planning researcher. The passion of my academic career is working in interdisciplinary teams, bringing together ideas and concepts at the interface of research and practice to support and lead change towards an inclusionary, multi-optional, advantageous and just future beyond growth.

My future aim is to build upon my strong international networks to harness high-level funding for local case studies and comparative research across countries to theorise roles in planning. I am passionate for working towards “A theory of roles in planning: motivational leadership beyond growth”. This agenda will challenge existing orientations towards growth in ways to organise and design urban and rural spaces. I am eager to teach and supervise students on their journeys into the complex field of spatial planning with limited natural resources.

Employment History

September 2019 to present
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Department of Spatial Planning & Environment
Assistant Professor Sustainable Transformation & Regional Planning
Sustainable Landscapes Fellow
University Teaching Qualification, UTQ (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO).

March 2017 to August 2019
TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning,
Department of Spatial Planning and Planning Theory (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Lecturer Spatial Planning & Planning Theory

July to August 2018
Visiting Research Fellow
Wayne State University, Department of Urban Studies & Planning (Detroit)
Supported by MERCUR Mercator Research Centre Ruhr, Global Young Faculty

October 2017 to March 2018
RWTH Aachen University / International Academy
Chair and Institute of Urban and Transportation Planning (ISB)
Visiting lecturer for Urbanisation and Change Management
For Management and Engineering in Water (M.Sc.)

May 2016 to December 2017
TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning,
Department of Urban and Regional Planning (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Baumgart)
Research Assistant, DFG project on implementation of legal provisions for commercial immission protection in urban planning (IRIS)

July 2016 to February 2017
TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning,
Department of Urban Design and Land Use Planning (Prof. Christa Reicher)
Coordinator state graduate school “Energy Efficiency in the District – Clever Supply.Rebuild.Activate“

February to June 2015
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University, Melbourne/Australia
Supported by a DAAD scholarship

TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning,
Institute of Spatial Planning (2010-13) and Dean’s Office (2013-16)
Lecturer, Research Assistant, School Manager Study & Tuition, Study Coordinator,
Academic Counsellor, Public Relations Officer

2001 to 2020
Independent Freelance Photojournalist

Founder, operator and journalist of a German photography community (

Teaching Experience

  • Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme Sustainable Transformation of Urban Regions in Europe (STOURIE), lecturer, in cooperation with Stockholm, Berlin, Milan (2021-22 & 2022-23)
  • Course City Matters: Social Justice and Urban Inequality, course coordinator and lecturer (Master, since 2019)
  • Course Environmental and Infrastructure Planning: Interactive Workshop, lecturer (Master, 2019/20 and 2020/21)
  • Course Critical Approaches to Global Sustainability Challenges, lecturer (Master, from 2021/22)
  • Course Planning Dynamics: Roles and Specialisms in Action, lecturer (Bachelor, from 2021/22)
  • Course Introduction to Academic Research (IAR), lecturer/supervisor (Bachelor, 2020/21)
  • Course Methods for Academic Research (MAR), lecturer/supervisor (Bachelor, from 2021/22)
  • Course Bachelor Project (Spatial Planning and Design), lecturer/supervisor (Bachelor, since 2019)
  • Course Governance Dynamics (SP2), lecturer (Bachelor, 2019/20)
  • Lecture Planning History (under-/postgraduate), single responsible lecturer (2019)
  • Lecture Planning Theory (under-/postgraduate), single responsible lecturer (2018/19)
  • Lecture Planning Theory (under-/postgraduate), with Professor Thorsten Wiechmann (2015-2017)
  • Lecture/exercise Urbanisation and Change Management (postgraduate, RWTH Aachen).
  • Lecture and supervision of student projects (under- and postgraduate).
  • Lecture and supervision of student tutors (under- and postgraduate).
  • Colloquium with planning professionals, with Professor Sabine Baumgart and Ulla Greiwe.
  • Supervision and examination of Bachelor and Master Theses.
  • Guest lectures i.a. at the universities of Auckland, RWTH Aachen, Detroit Mercy, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, University of Münster, Wageningen University & Research and Duisburg-Essen.

Professional Memberships

Editorial and Further Activities

  • Member of the Editorial Board of European Planning studies (since 2017)
  • Reviewer for Planning Theory, DISP – The Planning Review, Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning (RuR), Town Planning Review (TPR), Urban Studies, Urban Transformations, RaumPlanung, PlaNext – Next Generation Planning, and Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics & City Science (EPB).
  • Reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge.
  • Project reviewer for DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) since 2020
  • Jury member / project reviewer for German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), program Future Regions (‘Zukunft Region’, in 2022)
  • Co-Editor for the Special Issue “Planning and Transition – on Role Interpretations and Self-Conceptions” of Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning (scheduled for issue 2, 2019), with Meike Levin-Keitel (University of Hanover)
  • Founding member of a German/European collective on post-growth planning (since 2016)
  • Member in the executive board of the German transport club (VCD), district section of Dortmund-Unna (2011–2017) and head of section (2017–2018)


TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning
PhD in Spatial Planning (Dr. rer. pol.)
Title (translated): “Uncertainty and Complexity in Planning Processes: Theoretical Perspectives on Regional Planning and Climate Adaptation”
Supervisor: Professor Thorsten Wiechmann (TU Dortmund University), Dr. Gérard Hutter (IÖR Dresden)
TU Dortmund University’s best dissertation award 2016

TU Dortmund University, School of Spatial Planning
Diploma in Spatial Planning (Dipl.-Ing.)
Major in sustainability, regional planning, planning theory and transport policy
Thesis: “Strategic long-term planning for sustainability: critical view on sustainability as overarching regional planning goal. Case study of the Auckland Region and the Auckland sustainability framework”
Supervisor: Professor Hans H. Blotevogel (TU Dortmund University)

University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning & Faculty of Law
Exchange studies in Planning and Environmental Law
Supported by a DAAD scholarship


Christian Lamker
E-Mail: mail(at)
Phone: +49 / 160 / 4440410

Further information: see Imprint