Tag: Lecture

  • FOKO: Komplexität der Energiewende – neue Rollen für Planer?!

    Am 15. November 2015 stelle ich ab 18:00 Uhr Teile meiner Forschung aus der Dissertation im Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Raumplanung (IRPUD an der TU Dortmund vor. Ort ist Campus Süd, GB III, Raum 214 (1. OG).  Weitere Informationen auf der IRPUD-Homepage.


    Eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Zielen der Energiewende fordert dazu heraus, bekannte Ideen, Verhaltens- und Denkweisen kritisch zu hinterfragen. Neue Verhaltensweisen und Rollenverständnisse werden erforderlich, um diesen Megatrend planerisch zu bearbeiten. Der Vortrag legt dar, welche verschiedenen Rollen Planer in einem komplexen Prozess einnehmen könnten und wie Planung dadurch angesichts schwieriger Rahmenbedingungen die Unsicherheit und Komplexität reduzieren kann.  Die Energiewende steht beispielhaft für viele große Herausforderungen, vor denen Planungswissenschaft und Planungspraxis heute stehen. Erstens in Bezug auf zur Verfügung stehende Informationen und Zusammenhänge, zweitens aber ebenso in Verbindung mit Wertvorstellungen, raumwirksamen Entscheidungen anderer Akteure, Zukunftsprognosen und (möglichen) Wirkungen heutiger Handlungen.

  • Public Lecture “Challenges for effective planning of Australian cities” (Prof Robin Goodman)

    Public Lecture “Challenges for effective planning of Australian cities” (Prof Robin Goodman)

    Professor Robin Goodman of RMIT University, School of Global Urban and Social Studies, Melbourne, will give a public lecture on “challenges for effective planning of Australian cities” in Dortmund on Monday, 20 June 2016 as part of a Study Tour with RMIT students to Germany. The group will make different site visits within the Ruhr region between 20 and 24 June before heading further towards Berlin. I am happy to be part of their visit after my time at the Centre for Urban Research of RMIT University last year.

    The public lecture will be part of the Institute of Spatial Planning’s Research Colloquium (FOKO) in the Rudolf-Chaudoire-Pavillon (TU Dortmund, Campus South, Baroper Str. 297). It is open to everyone. Beginning is 6:00pm on 20 June 2016. Further information will be announced online.


    Australian cities face many of the same issues encountered by cities the world over. The challenges of providing affordable housing, an efficient transport system and liveable neighbourhoods are widely shared across the globe. However Australian cities have some marked differences with many European cities, with very low density urban sprawl, car dependency and high population growth rates. The pressures on the largest cities – Melbourne and Sydney in particular – have drawn planning issues to the attention of governments at every level. Much is now being demanded of planning, yet decades of neoliberal attitudes to market intervention have undermined its ability to deliver. Professor Robin Goodman will outline these issues in her talk and explain why the biggest problem in Australian planning is failure to implement our plans.


    Robin Goodman is Professor of Sustainability and Urban Planning and Deputy Dean in the School of Global Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Robin has published widely on issues around planning, public policy, sustainability and housing. She is co-author of a book to be published in July 2016 Planning Melbourne – Lessons for a Sustainable City.

    See also
    Institute of Spatial Planning, Research Colloquium (English/German)
    Raumplanung und Raumforschung ‘down under’ (German)